We are specializes in equipping hospitals & all Health Care Facilities with clinical diagnostic equipment, diagnostic lab equipment and supplies.

Our services

Medical Hospital


Clinical Centers

Our mission

We have committed our selves to taking the Medical Health care in IRAQ region into the 21st century through systematic and through development by supplying state–of–the–art medical equipment, Diagnostic lab & Dental appliances from quality manufacturers from U.S.A., Europe … etc


What sets us apart

What is making us different?

  • Long experience in the market for more than 15 years.
  • Qualified managers with more than 20 Years experience in Healthcare business in Middle East.
  • Qualified Iraqi HR as workforce supported by their international experience in their specialties.
  • Following the international Standard in our activities and management.

After Sale Services

The relationship between Alhindibaa SB and its hospital clients is augmented at delivery and once installation begins and technical

maintenance issues arise after. Not only we are committed to cover the warranty period of our products but we are also servicing maintaining and operating products sold by other supplies .

In order to manifest our abilities and engrave our commitment to highest quality service level, Alhindibaa SB has heavily invested in Recruiting and training the best engineers and technicians who  Are available around the clock to address any maintenance issues.

Immediately we invested in recruiting well trainer and expert

Engineers and technicians and reached 5 engineers at the  moment who most are extremely professional with experience that range from 3 to 5 years.
